Volunteering with YMCA

Almost everyone connected to YMCA Den Haag is a volunteer. Most of those volunteers are active at youth activities, or summer camps, while we also host activities for young adults and the elderly. All these activities would of course be non existent without eager activity coordinators, treasurers and board members.

We are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to develop, guide and coordinate our activities and youth projects. Do you want to help us?

Do you want to join YMCA in The Hague? Or do you want to see what role you can play at our worldwide organisation? Get in touch with us!

Interested in starting your own YMCA activities in your city district? Take up contact with YMCA The Hague and we will see to make your dreams, and those of many children, come true.


Launching the Y-Community

Do you want to get to know the city of The Hague by volunteering? Click here to learn more about our Y-Community!

YMCA Den Haag is HKV – approved!

YMCA Den Haag is the proud owner of the official Haags Keurmerk voor Vrijwilligersorganisaties, a label for volunteering organisations in the city of The Hague. The label is granted to organisation that provide a safe, and trusted environment to volunteers. Do you want to know more about our volunteers’ policy? Click here (only in Dutch in Dutch).

Graphic designer wanted!

Are you precise, creative and do you know one-or-two things about designing posters and t-shirts? Boy, do we have a position for you! At YMCA Den Haag we are looking for a voluntary designer for our pr, flyers, website and many more things.

Are you curious? Subscribe using the form below!



Barman/woman during live music evenings

Did you know that YMCA Scheveningen plays live-music every Saturday evening? Their music hall holds space for 200 visitors! They’re constantly looking for people to man their bar. Do you like to pour and sell drinks and enjoy some music in the process? Then this is a perfect opportunity for you!

Compensation is possible, please inquire about the possibilities.

Do you want to know more? Please send an e-mail to vrijwilliger@ymcadenhaag.nl

For more information, please look at: https://podiumaanzee.nl/over-podium-aan-zee/




Help in a Social Neighbourhood Restaurant

YMCA Scheveningen has a neighbourhood restaurant in the Keizerstraat, near the Boulevard. In this restaurant volunteers serve coffee, tea and affordable meals to the elderly, local residents and other guests.

For this they need a lot of volunteers!

Host/ Hostess

As a host or hostess, you welcome the guests, serve them coffee, tea and meals. You’ll see that the visitors of YMCA have lots of interesting stories to tell. An ideal way to learn the Dutch language!

 Food delivery

The social restaurant of YMCA Scheveningen prepares affordable meals for all residents of Scheveningen. And if these are not able to collect these themselves, A deliveryman, or -woman is happy to bring these meals to their front doors! And you can help! Would you like to deliver meals every now and then? Let us know below!


Are you experienced in the Kitchen? Do you like to make people happy with your food? Good news! YMCA Scheveningen looks for kitchen-stars to cook in their social kitchen!

Compensation is possible, please inquire about the possibilities.

Are you interested, or do you want to know about one, or multiple vacancies? Please send an e-mail to vrijwilliger@ymcadenhaag.nl

You can also have a look at https://www.ymcascheveningen.nl/buurtrestaurant (Dutch language only)

Become an activity coordinator

For real proactive pioneers! Do you want to set-up your own YMCA youth activities? We can help! As an activity coordinator you’ll work closely with volunteers with local YMCA boards and volunteers to create the youth-activity you’d like to see in YOUR neighbourhood!





Volunteer with us!

What do you want to do?

10 + 13 =

Any questions?

Fill in the form below or send an e-mail to vrijwilliger@ymcadenhaag.nl